Another sign I love , drama and all! Leo's are bigger than life.They have BIG personalities(unless the rest of their chart really tones it down, in which case wait it will all come out dramatically at some point!) There is a warmth and goodness to Leo's. They are generally an optimistic lot. The one thing that is a little obnoxious, they like to be center stage, another fire sign to contend with and they will do what they can to make that happen. Quite honestly, Leo would be way more entertaining to watch than the self oriented Aries and philosophizing Sag (although on a good day the Sag could be hysterical, but you have to find them on a good day!) Really though the Leo would want to be the one up there under the warm lights, Aries would probably make a commotion from the seats, the cheap seats if they really want to get under the Leo's mane. Sag would be working the crowd, one on one, joking and letting them know what's truly important, oh and buying them a drink!:o) But back to Leo, usually good in business and with money. They like nice things although they may pick dramatic clothes or surroundings which may make you wonder! I have a Leo moon and Mars, I have a dramatic flare and love vibrant colors, a little dramatic in my decorating, my Capricorn husband didn't like my single life kitchen (tangerine and kiwi green polka dots and wide stripes with lively and fun Matisse paintings) Quite honestly it was cute, most people thought ICK! until they saw the pictures. But he is a Capricorn and my tasteful, albeit fun and cheerful kitchen wasn't his thing. He prefers dark almost black colors and cheesy light up pictures of waterfalls( cap sun, taurus rising, sag moon) Thank goodness the touch of leo girl gets to decorate(and yes I take his boring self into consideration, I still decorate to my Leonine tastes but I tone down the fun, except for in the baby's room and my studio!)
Another aside, fire signs or those with fire prominant in their charts will often have red hair. Mine is Auburn(0 degree virgo sun, leo moon, leo mars) My sister has strawberry red(sag sun, mercury, rising) Mom (pisces sun, sag moon, venus, jupiter, and saturn in aries)has more of a traditional carrot red. Even when they have dark hair they may have the lovely warm lights in the sun!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Ahhhh...Cancer, my wee tot's sign (as well as two of my three favorite cats, My ex boyfriend's parents that are still friends, my best friend Sarah and my niece) And that's just the short list I'm sure there's more(oh yeah, my friend/landlady) I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cancers for the most part. There have been a couple(my step son and deceased uncle, and let's not forget George W) Who I really didn't like but there is a commonality with those maladjusted Cancers that I actually know, their mothers were exceptionally harsh in raising them and they ended up very bitter and hateful. My Uncle in particular ended up becoming an alcoholic(very common of water signs) He also went to Vietnam and I'm sure he had a hard time reconciling what he saw there. Probably a big reason he was the way he was. Sad really because Cancer's are very feeling people, ruled by the moon they are probably some of the most deeply feeling. Scorpio and Pisces are very sensitive also but both show their emotions less. Cancer boys and men need to be allowed to express their emotions without ridicule to grow up well adjusted. It just is part of who they are. I love on my little boy all the time, he's very affectionate with me but not so much with others, he's friendly but reserved. He is a happy boy though and I am convinced it is because I am a very peaceful, happy person at my core and that I have met his needs for attention and affection. That said a few things I've noticed about my Cancer baby: He's always liked to eat and has the classic cancer round belly(which is really cute since he's pretty trim everywhere else!)He's loved water since day 1. He's moody usually when he's hungry or tired. He likes to be close to his momma and when upset seeks her out.(yes, I have become the center of someones universe, a very weird but welcome thing) He doesn't like to have a meltdown in front of people, he's very charming in public but will show his discontent in the car or home.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I like Geminis. I would never want to marry one but I love to talk to them. I'm sure it's because we share a ruling planet, Mercury. Virgo thought processes are a little more straight line than Gemini, but Gemini is very quick and very ingenious. They are also a lot more outgoing than the bookish Virgo. Most of the Geminis I have met have had two distinct sides or personalities, which is one of the reasons I would never want to marry one!! I also have seen a bipolar type personality in some. They aren't necessarily bipolar but they swing wildly between a manic and depressive or angry state. One of my mentors was a Gemini sun. She was very supportive of me and my art and even commissioned me for numerous projects. She drove me nuts! I loved her to death but she drove me nuts, a bit of a micro manager, she wanted her fingers in everything! She was always happy with the finished product but I was always a few handfuls of hair balder by the time I finished, vowing never to do THAT again. Of course, she always had a way of approaching a new project and I always was inclined to accept. That would be the way of a Gemini!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Okay, I'm a Virgo so I generally get along quite swimmingly with fellow earth types. I love Taureans, both men and women. They are earthy and probably the funniest of the earth signs. They love to have fun, sometimes their morals may be a little looser than Virgo or Capricorn but they are still Earth signs and therefore pretty moralistic. Let's face it they have their feet on the ground and know right from wrong. Now that said, being ruled by lovely Venus, they may like to spend money for lovely things. There may be problems with money depending on what else shows in their charts although I find it more typical of Taurus rising (of course, it is possible for Taurus folks to be quite good with money and have a fabulous money chart, you always have to look at the whole but if there is an indication of being a spendthrift, it probably has a lot to do with desires) They can be very hedonistic, and love to eat. They may even have the tummy to show for it! They are a friendly lot and I wouldn't give them up as friends EVER! Loyal until the end, they are fixed signs and generally want to share the good life with those they love.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Okay, before I ruffle any tail feathers, I have Libra rising in my chart and therefore I have Aries on my 7th house cusp (open enemies) and a love/hate relationship with Aries. I love Aries men and Aries women....? Let's just say I could live without them.
I am a firm believer that some signs are easier for some people than others. Aries is such a strongly masculine sign that I believe it is just harder for the well balanced Aries woman to exist compared to the well balanced Aries Man. The same philosophy works for Pisces. Pisces women are typically better adjusted (read less neurotic or damaged or even more accepted for their frailty) than Pisces men. That said, Aries is a very self oriented sign, I don't know if I would call it self centered, but the world does revolve around them. It is the first sign of the zodiac and therefore it knows no other way but to be number one. That mindset in itself is one of their greatest strengths and weaknesses. A strength because it imbues the person with an inner confidence. A weakness because the person sometimes has the inability to be empathetic and therefore forge meaningful relationships. They may have trouble putting others first even when it's necessary. I think this is another area where it may benefit a man more than a woman. Aries is generally a very action oriented sign, They like to go out into the world and have it experience them (yes, I meant to say that) They care less about what they may do for the world, than what the world may offer them. Again, I wouldn't say they are necessarily selfish although many other signs might see it that way. It is their innocence when it comes to experiencing others. You really have to look at the manifestation of Aries from the point of view of a newborn infant. They need others but as a newborn needs constant parental care so does the Aries ego. In order for their confidence to blossom and mature they need to be surrounded by those who see how fabulous they are. They need to be center, they need adulation.
I am a firm believer that some signs are easier for some people than others. Aries is such a strongly masculine sign that I believe it is just harder for the well balanced Aries woman to exist compared to the well balanced Aries Man. The same philosophy works for Pisces. Pisces women are typically better adjusted (read less neurotic or damaged or even more accepted for their frailty) than Pisces men. That said, Aries is a very self oriented sign, I don't know if I would call it self centered, but the world does revolve around them. It is the first sign of the zodiac and therefore it knows no other way but to be number one. That mindset in itself is one of their greatest strengths and weaknesses. A strength because it imbues the person with an inner confidence. A weakness because the person sometimes has the inability to be empathetic and therefore forge meaningful relationships. They may have trouble putting others first even when it's necessary. I think this is another area where it may benefit a man more than a woman. Aries is generally a very action oriented sign, They like to go out into the world and have it experience them (yes, I meant to say that) They care less about what they may do for the world, than what the world may offer them. Again, I wouldn't say they are necessarily selfish although many other signs might see it that way. It is their innocence when it comes to experiencing others. You really have to look at the manifestation of Aries from the point of view of a newborn infant. They need others but as a newborn needs constant parental care so does the Aries ego. In order for their confidence to blossom and mature they need to be surrounded by those who see how fabulous they are. They need to be center, they need adulation.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sun Signs
I apologize for a lack of posts! I have been working on my two craft businesses preparing for the holiday season and a craft show in early December so I've been a bit preoccupied with that! That and each of us in our household have fought off a wicked cold in the past 3 weeks(my baby boy's first cold in his 15 months! Poor baby!) Of course, I have also been addicted to election coverage and glued to the TV! Now that the colds are gone, election is over and I have a good grasp on my crafting, I hope to add posts on a more regular basis. I still want to delineate two more children's charts using the lessons but in the meantime I will start posting little blurbs of observations on the sun signs. Thanks for your patience!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Delineation Based on First 4 Lessons - Part 2
Okay the next two charts are for Alexxa and Amaya, born 4 days apart on opposite coasts! They are very similar so I will delineate them together and show where they differ.
Amaya -born November 2, 2006-
10 degree Scorpio Sun, 0 degree Aries Moon, 8 degree Sagittarius Rising
Alexxa-born November 6, 2006-
14 degree Scorpio Sun, 6 degree Gemini Moon, 0 degree Leo Rising
Amaya has 1 Cardinal planet, 4(+ node) Mutable and 7 fixed placements.
Alexxa has 1 Cardinal placement, 3 Mutable and 8 fixed placements.
Both girls would be pretty stubborn and like their routines. Both would have a problem starting things but would stick to it once engaged. Amaya would appear to have an easier going personality due to her Mutable rising sign (although once you got to know her the stubborness would show!) With a fixed fire sign rising, Alexxa would be very comfortable in her own skin(no one is going to change this girl, she'll probably have a pretty good sense of self) but she will be fickle with her emotions(GEMINI MOON!!!) her feelings about things may change often!
Amaya has 6(+node) placements in water, 4 in fire, 1 in air and 1 in earth.
Alexxa has 6(+node) placements in water, 4 in fire, 2 in air and 0 in earth.
Both girls would be very sensitive, emotional, intuitive, enthusiastic and passionate.
Alexxa needs someone to ground her due to the lack of earth. She may exhibit drama queen tendencies if you don't teach her how to keep things in perspective!! Thinking things through would be a good way to help her do this. Also, watch Alexxa with relationships as she has neptune sitting in her 7th house so she may not see others correctly. Encourage her to get in touch with her intuition and to follow it at a young age so that she may attract creative sensitive types into her life instead of the alternative(escapists, addictive personalities, etc.)
Amaya has slightly more yin energy so she would tend to be slightly more influenced by mom than dad.
Alexxa is evenly yin and yang so she is equally influenced by both parents.
Amaya has 1 personal placement, 7 interpersonal and 4 transpersonal.
Alexxa has 2 personal placements, 7 interpersonal and 3 transpersonal.
Both girls would be other orientated and social. Amaya may need to be taught from a young age good personal habits( such as personal finance and the like) She needs to be encouraged to find out who she is, to be herself but not to let herself be pushed around by others(although she has pluto in the 1st so I don't think that will be a problem combining that with all that fixed energy!!)
Amaya -born November 2, 2006-
10 degree Scorpio Sun, 0 degree Aries Moon, 8 degree Sagittarius Rising
Alexxa-born November 6, 2006-
14 degree Scorpio Sun, 6 degree Gemini Moon, 0 degree Leo Rising
Amaya has 1 Cardinal planet, 4(+ node) Mutable and 7 fixed placements.
Alexxa has 1 Cardinal placement, 3 Mutable and 8 fixed placements.
Both girls would be pretty stubborn and like their routines. Both would have a problem starting things but would stick to it once engaged. Amaya would appear to have an easier going personality due to her Mutable rising sign (although once you got to know her the stubborness would show!) With a fixed fire sign rising, Alexxa would be very comfortable in her own skin(no one is going to change this girl, she'll probably have a pretty good sense of self) but she will be fickle with her emotions(GEMINI MOON!!!) her feelings about things may change often!
Amaya has 6(+node) placements in water, 4 in fire, 1 in air and 1 in earth.
Alexxa has 6(+node) placements in water, 4 in fire, 2 in air and 0 in earth.
Both girls would be very sensitive, emotional, intuitive, enthusiastic and passionate.
Alexxa needs someone to ground her due to the lack of earth. She may exhibit drama queen tendencies if you don't teach her how to keep things in perspective!! Thinking things through would be a good way to help her do this. Also, watch Alexxa with relationships as she has neptune sitting in her 7th house so she may not see others correctly. Encourage her to get in touch with her intuition and to follow it at a young age so that she may attract creative sensitive types into her life instead of the alternative(escapists, addictive personalities, etc.)
Amaya has slightly more yin energy so she would tend to be slightly more influenced by mom than dad.
Alexxa is evenly yin and yang so she is equally influenced by both parents.
Amaya has 1 personal placement, 7 interpersonal and 4 transpersonal.
Alexxa has 2 personal placements, 7 interpersonal and 3 transpersonal.
Both girls would be other orientated and social. Amaya may need to be taught from a young age good personal habits( such as personal finance and the like) She needs to be encouraged to find out who she is, to be herself but not to let herself be pushed around by others(although she has pluto in the 1st so I don't think that will be a problem combining that with all that fixed energy!!)
Astrology chart,
natal chart,
Friday, October 3, 2008
Delineation Based on First 4 Lessons - Part 1
OK! Since I have to work around my wee bot's sleep schedule I am breaking this into three parts. I have 6 charts of different children, 4 born within 1 month of each other and 2 born with a predominance of either elements, modalities or both. I will delineate the first two today.
James - born November 21,2006 -
29 degree Scorpio Sun, 9 degree Sagittarius Moon, 24 degree Aquarius Rising.
James has 0 cardinal planets, 7 fixed and 5 (+ node) mutable placements
With 7 fixed he is probably pretty stubborn, a creature of habit but may be very determined.
Since they are in water my guess is that he probably has a melt down(temper tantrum) when you tell him no or if you disturb his personal schedule. That said with the 5+ mutable planets(including his moon in Sag) it's probably not that long of a fit! He let's you know he's unhappy about it but then moves on. The biggest challenge James may have is motivation. Since he's lacking cardinal planets he may be lacking direction. Try to encourage him to try different things, if he shows a sincere interest, support him in staying with it. With all the fixed planets, once he is engaged he should follow through!!
James has 5 placements(+ node) in water signs, 5 in fire, 2 in air but 0 in earth.
He will probably be a very passionate boy! Forceful, idealistic and enthusiastic as well as sensitive. Watch for a tendency to be self-indulgent! He may seem very logical, but make sure he is truly understanding things. He has his rising in Aquarius so he will appear to be knowledgeable, unfortunately the only other air is his Neptune and his ruling planet, Uranus, is in Pisces, so he may be a little spacey!(on the positive side, he may be a very gifted artist or musician also!!) The lack of earth may make him undependable, probably because he isn't really practical(he could be a very dreamy, imaginative boy)and doesn't know the logical reasons why he needs to do certain things(like keep his room clean). try to create a structure for him to follow while he is young so he won't have to worry about trying to learn it later (side note: when a person has a fixed rising sign, it is very hard to change the habits they adopt in childhood)
He's evenly yin and yang. Probably gets along well with both parents generally speaking.
James has no personal planets, 5 interpersonal and 7 transpersonal.
He will be very group minded, worrying about his friends more than himself, watch against a tendency to be the scapegoat. Try to guide him towards the 'right' friends. He will have good judgment if he listens to his gut(feelings) his logic may fool him. He'll have high ideals and may have a tendency to be friends with people because he feels he could 'save' them.
Chey - born October 27,2006-
4 degree Scorpio Sun, 8 degree Capricorn Moon, 2 degree Capricorn Rising
Chey has 2 cardinal placements, 8 fixed and 2 (+node)mutable placements. Even though she too would be a bit stubborn and a creature of habit, she has a little more balance between the two less populated modalities. She would have a tendency to get stuck sometimes but would be focused and determined. She would likely have ideas but they may not form fully enough to follow through.She would be likely to follow through on things that 'feel right' to her. She may also have so many ideas that she couldn't decide on which ones to follow to completion, This would be due to some intellectual fogginess(that pesky Neptune is at work again!)In Chey's case it would have to do with her personal values and money.
She has a little more balance with her elements [ 2 fire, 1 air and 2 earth] although again she has a predominance of water(7 + node). She would tend to be intuitive, sensitive, possibly wavering and influenced by her surroundings. This is a child you probably wouldn't want to fight around as she would be very likely to internalize the discord and feel like she caused it. She would be conservative and ardent but also impractical and lacking reason.
Chey has a predominance of yin energy in her chart[9 + node] which shows she would tend to be quiet and introverted. She would probably be more influenced by mom due to this also. She may be a late bloomer.
Finally, she has 0 personal planets, 7 interpersonal and 5 transpersonal. Again, she would likely be focused on others and have high ideals and morals. Watch for a lack of self confidence and self perservation.
James - born November 21,2006 -
29 degree Scorpio Sun, 9 degree Sagittarius Moon, 24 degree Aquarius Rising.
James has 0 cardinal planets, 7 fixed and 5 (+ node) mutable placements
With 7 fixed he is probably pretty stubborn, a creature of habit but may be very determined.
Since they are in water my guess is that he probably has a melt down(temper tantrum) when you tell him no or if you disturb his personal schedule. That said with the 5+ mutable planets(including his moon in Sag) it's probably not that long of a fit! He let's you know he's unhappy about it but then moves on. The biggest challenge James may have is motivation. Since he's lacking cardinal planets he may be lacking direction. Try to encourage him to try different things, if he shows a sincere interest, support him in staying with it. With all the fixed planets, once he is engaged he should follow through!!
James has 5 placements(+ node) in water signs, 5 in fire, 2 in air but 0 in earth.
He will probably be a very passionate boy! Forceful, idealistic and enthusiastic as well as sensitive. Watch for a tendency to be self-indulgent! He may seem very logical, but make sure he is truly understanding things. He has his rising in Aquarius so he will appear to be knowledgeable, unfortunately the only other air is his Neptune and his ruling planet, Uranus, is in Pisces, so he may be a little spacey!(on the positive side, he may be a very gifted artist or musician also!!) The lack of earth may make him undependable, probably because he isn't really practical(he could be a very dreamy, imaginative boy)and doesn't know the logical reasons why he needs to do certain things(like keep his room clean). try to create a structure for him to follow while he is young so he won't have to worry about trying to learn it later (side note: when a person has a fixed rising sign, it is very hard to change the habits they adopt in childhood)
He's evenly yin and yang. Probably gets along well with both parents generally speaking.
James has no personal planets, 5 interpersonal and 7 transpersonal.
He will be very group minded, worrying about his friends more than himself, watch against a tendency to be the scapegoat. Try to guide him towards the 'right' friends. He will have good judgment if he listens to his gut(feelings) his logic may fool him. He'll have high ideals and may have a tendency to be friends with people because he feels he could 'save' them.
Chey - born October 27,2006-
4 degree Scorpio Sun, 8 degree Capricorn Moon, 2 degree Capricorn Rising
Chey has 2 cardinal placements, 8 fixed and 2 (+node)mutable placements. Even though she too would be a bit stubborn and a creature of habit, she has a little more balance between the two less populated modalities. She would have a tendency to get stuck sometimes but would be focused and determined. She would likely have ideas but they may not form fully enough to follow through.She would be likely to follow through on things that 'feel right' to her. She may also have so many ideas that she couldn't decide on which ones to follow to completion, This would be due to some intellectual fogginess(that pesky Neptune is at work again!)In Chey's case it would have to do with her personal values and money.
She has a little more balance with her elements [ 2 fire, 1 air and 2 earth] although again she has a predominance of water(7 + node). She would tend to be intuitive, sensitive, possibly wavering and influenced by her surroundings. This is a child you probably wouldn't want to fight around as she would be very likely to internalize the discord and feel like she caused it. She would be conservative and ardent but also impractical and lacking reason.
Chey has a predominance of yin energy in her chart[9 + node] which shows she would tend to be quiet and introverted. She would probably be more influenced by mom due to this also. She may be a late bloomer.
Finally, she has 0 personal planets, 7 interpersonal and 5 transpersonal. Again, she would likely be focused on others and have high ideals and morals. Watch for a lack of self confidence and self perservation.
Astrology chart,
child astrology,
lessons 1-4,
natal chart,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
elements, polarities, modalities and orientations in the horoscope: Part 4
today's topic: orientations
Most people who start studying astrology are aware of the elements in a chart. Some may be aware of modalities and polarities. Few that I have met(myself included) are aware of a sign's orientation. The orientations refer to the 3 stages of relationship between the individual and their environment. They correlate with the evolution of the twelve astrological signs. It's how we meet the world.
The first stage, PERSONAL, is related to birth or infancy. A newborn's primary focus is on getting their needs met: food, clothing, warmth,personal contact. It sees itself as the center of the universe and its sole purpose is to assure its well being.
The first four signs of the zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer) correspond to the PERSONAL stage.
The next stage is INTERPERSONAL. As the child matures they become aware of other people and that they too have legitimate needs. In this phase, the child becomes a social individual, learning to interact with a wide variety of individuals.
The next four signs of the zodiac (Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpio) correspond to the INTERPERSONAL stage.
The final stage is TRANSPERSONAL. In this stage, the individual seeks to understand their relationship with the universe. They must accept their physical mortality and find a more spiritual connection.
The final four signs of the zodiac (Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) correspond to the TRANSPERSONAL stage.
Like the elements and modalities, the orientations show both positive and negative applications.
An exaggeration of the PERSONAL orientation will result in a person who becomes selfish and egocentric. Those deficient in this orientation have a difficult time fulfilling their rudimentary survival needs.
An exaggeration of the INTERPERSONAL orientation results in a person who may become too other-directed, losing touch with their own personal sense of self. Lacking this orientation results in a person who is denied their need for human contact.
An exaggeration of the TRANSPERSONAL orientation may result in a person who is out of touch with the world. A person who is so concerned with the meaning of life that they forget about taking care of practical matters like paying the rent. The person lacking this orientation, experiences a lack of connection with the world as a whole and thus will lack a spiritual perspective towards life.
As before, look at your child's planets putting extra emphasis on the personal planets(these are: sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars and ascendant[rising sign]) making a list of the orientations then look at the rest of their planets(jupiter, saturn,uranus,neptune and pluto) See how evenly distributed the orientations are (ie: My son has his sun, moon, mercury and mars in personal signs, his venus,ascendant and saturn are in interpersonal signs he has no personal planets that are transpersonal but does have his jupiter, uranus, neptune and pluto there. All in all, pretty balanced but my guess is he will be more concerned about meeting his personal needs first, and with all the cancer energy he has I can assure you him getting fed is priority numero uno!!!)
In the next lesson I will tie all 4 lessons together and give numerous examples.
Most people who start studying astrology are aware of the elements in a chart. Some may be aware of modalities and polarities. Few that I have met(myself included) are aware of a sign's orientation. The orientations refer to the 3 stages of relationship between the individual and their environment. They correlate with the evolution of the twelve astrological signs. It's how we meet the world.
The first stage, PERSONAL, is related to birth or infancy. A newborn's primary focus is on getting their needs met: food, clothing, warmth,personal contact. It sees itself as the center of the universe and its sole purpose is to assure its well being.
The first four signs of the zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer) correspond to the PERSONAL stage.
The next stage is INTERPERSONAL. As the child matures they become aware of other people and that they too have legitimate needs. In this phase, the child becomes a social individual, learning to interact with a wide variety of individuals.
The next four signs of the zodiac (Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpio) correspond to the INTERPERSONAL stage.
The final stage is TRANSPERSONAL. In this stage, the individual seeks to understand their relationship with the universe. They must accept their physical mortality and find a more spiritual connection.
The final four signs of the zodiac (Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces) correspond to the TRANSPERSONAL stage.
Like the elements and modalities, the orientations show both positive and negative applications.
An exaggeration of the PERSONAL orientation will result in a person who becomes selfish and egocentric. Those deficient in this orientation have a difficult time fulfilling their rudimentary survival needs.
An exaggeration of the INTERPERSONAL orientation results in a person who may become too other-directed, losing touch with their own personal sense of self. Lacking this orientation results in a person who is denied their need for human contact.
An exaggeration of the TRANSPERSONAL orientation may result in a person who is out of touch with the world. A person who is so concerned with the meaning of life that they forget about taking care of practical matters like paying the rent. The person lacking this orientation, experiences a lack of connection with the world as a whole and thus will lack a spiritual perspective towards life.
As before, look at your child's planets putting extra emphasis on the personal planets(these are: sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars and ascendant[rising sign]) making a list of the orientations then look at the rest of their planets(jupiter, saturn,uranus,neptune and pluto) See how evenly distributed the orientations are (ie: My son has his sun, moon, mercury and mars in personal signs, his venus,ascendant and saturn are in interpersonal signs he has no personal planets that are transpersonal but does have his jupiter, uranus, neptune and pluto there. All in all, pretty balanced but my guess is he will be more concerned about meeting his personal needs first, and with all the cancer energy he has I can assure you him getting fed is priority numero uno!!!)
In the next lesson I will tie all 4 lessons together and give numerous examples.
(Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer)
focused on personal wants and needs
(Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio)
social, focused on others
(Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces)
universal, focused on ideals and abstractions
(Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer)
focused on personal wants and needs
(Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio)
social, focused on others
(Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces)
universal, focused on ideals and abstractions
Astrology chart,
lesson 4,
natal chart,
new lesson to post soon!
Friday, August 29, 2008
I was having problems with my content posting correctly. I'm hoping this new layout will allow my posts to look right. I think it makes it easier to read, plus I just really like the look of it! Hope you do too!Let me know!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
elements, polarities, modalities and orientations in the horoscope: Part 3
Today's discussion POLARITIES!
What are polarities? They are another aspect of the elements. It is actually the Yin and Yang of the elements.
Let's take the element of FIRE. What other element is needed to support a fire, what element is compatible? The obvious answer is AIR because a FIRE cannot burn without it. AIR literally feeds the FIRE allowing it to grow to its maximum potential and is necessary for its continued existence.
Another example on the other side, EARTH. Let's say you plant a seed. In parched EARTH your seed will not grow, WATER is necessary to nourish the soil so that it can grow to reach its full potential.
Thus there are two polarities:
EARTH and WATER(YIN[-]) and FIRE and AIR(YANG[+])
Yin energy is receptive. It is negatively charged and corresponds to EARTH and WATER because the signs in those elements are more receptive, introspect and self-repressive. They draw to them those things they need and conserve their energy within. Their keyword is SECURITY.
On the other hand, Yang energy is active. It is positively charged and corresponds to FIRE and AIR because the signs in those elements are more active, outgoing and self -expressive. They pour their energy into the world and are the go-getters of the zodiac. Their keyword is FREEDOM.
The more AIR and FIRE your child has in his/her chart the more resilient they will be.
The more EARTH and WATER your child has the more quiet and introverted they will be.
My little boy has 7 planets or sensitive spots in YIN or negative polarity and 6 in YANG or positive polarity. On the surface it looks pretty evenly placed but most of his personal planets(Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and his Ascendant(Rising Sign))are YIN(remember this is negative, introspective energy) Only his Venus is YANG (and Midheaven, so he will probably appear more outgoing than he is) He is very demonstrative (Venus in Leo) but mostly to his mommy and mostly in the privacy of home. Many of his generational planets are YANG so he is part of a generation as a whole who will go out into the world and pour their energies into it.
Make a note of your child's planets in both polarities and look to see where the personal planets are located. Following is a table with keywords to help you understand your child's energy better.
What are polarities? They are another aspect of the elements. It is actually the Yin and Yang of the elements.
Let's take the element of FIRE. What other element is needed to support a fire, what element is compatible? The obvious answer is AIR because a FIRE cannot burn without it. AIR literally feeds the FIRE allowing it to grow to its maximum potential and is necessary for its continued existence.
Another example on the other side, EARTH. Let's say you plant a seed. In parched EARTH your seed will not grow, WATER is necessary to nourish the soil so that it can grow to reach its full potential.
Thus there are two polarities:
EARTH and WATER(YIN[-]) and FIRE and AIR(YANG[+])
Yin energy is receptive. It is negatively charged and corresponds to EARTH and WATER because the signs in those elements are more receptive, introspect and self-repressive. They draw to them those things they need and conserve their energy within. Their keyword is SECURITY.
On the other hand, Yang energy is active. It is positively charged and corresponds to FIRE and AIR because the signs in those elements are more active, outgoing and self -expressive. They pour their energy into the world and are the go-getters of the zodiac. Their keyword is FREEDOM.
The more AIR and FIRE your child has in his/her chart the more resilient they will be.
The more EARTH and WATER your child has the more quiet and introverted they will be.
My little boy has 7 planets or sensitive spots in YIN or negative polarity and 6 in YANG or positive polarity. On the surface it looks pretty evenly placed but most of his personal planets(Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and his Ascendant(Rising Sign))are YIN(remember this is negative, introspective energy) Only his Venus is YANG (and Midheaven, so he will probably appear more outgoing than he is) He is very demonstrative (Venus in Leo) but mostly to his mommy and mostly in the privacy of home. Many of his generational planets are YANG so he is part of a generation as a whole who will go out into the world and pour their energies into it.
Make a note of your child's planets in both polarities and look to see where the personal planets are located. Following is a table with keywords to help you understand your child's energy better.
YANG (+)
day force
night force
YANG (+)
day force
night force
Astrology chart,
child astrology,
lesson 3,
natal chart,
Yeah we added a non water baby!
Okay so not a big deal I suppose but we were swimming in water babies! We have to come up for air sometime!!I'm working on the next lesson hope to have it posted within the next day!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
elements, polarities, modalities and orientations in the horoscope: Part 2

Elements and modalities:
There is usually a small box on the natal chart (see image above) that tells you the elements and modalities of your child's chart. Across the top are letters C, F & M; these stand for Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable and are your modalities. Down the left side are letters F, A, E, & W; these stand for Fire, Air, Earth & Water and are your elements.
Today we will go over the Elements.
If you look at the above box you will notice that my boy has 4 planets and his midheaven in FIRE signs, 1 planet(and Chiron) in AIR signs, 1 planet in EARTH signs and 4 planets,ascendant and north node in WATER signs. What does this tell us? Only looking at planetary signs, it tells us that he is going to be a very sensitive (WATER predominant) boy who is also enthusiastic and self-sufficient(FIRE predominant). Now, his father and I will have to watch the boy to make sure that he learns practicality(EARTH lacking) and reasoning(AIR lacking).[ We will re-examine the lack of elements when we discuss the houses in the natal chart for the lacking elements may not actually be lacking at all!]
Note: When tabulating your totals give extra weight to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven
Again, we will go into more detail about how everything interrelates later in the lessons, for now make a little list of how many points are in each of the elements and jot down a couple words from the keywords below that describe how they are showing up in your child's personality.
Keywords for the Elements
aries leo sagittarius
fiery, ardent, enthusiastic, spontaneous, self-sufficient, romantic
misused: bossy, too forceful
taurus virgo capricorn
practical, earthy, dependable, conservative, sensual,
love material comforts, good recuperative powers
misused: dull, too materialistic
gemini libra aquarius
good communicators, intellectual, able to handle abstract reasoning,
logical, broadminded, objective, idealistic, unprejudiced
misused: cold, impractical
cancer scorpio pisces
feeling, sustaining, receptive, emotional, intuitive, responsive, sensitive, deep, susceptible to moodiness, easily influenced by the environment(no fighting in front of these little ones!!)
misused: can be self-indulgent, self-pitying, wavering
(note: because of societal pressures these signs are
usually harder for boys to handle than girls)
aries leo sagittarius
fiery, ardent, enthusiastic, spontaneous, self-sufficient, romantic
misused: bossy, too forceful
taurus virgo capricorn
practical, earthy, dependable, conservative, sensual,
love material comforts, good recuperative powers
misused: dull, too materialistic
gemini libra aquarius
good communicators, intellectual, able to handle abstract reasoning,
logical, broadminded, objective, idealistic, unprejudiced
misused: cold, impractical
cancer scorpio pisces
feeling, sustaining, receptive, emotional, intuitive, responsive, sensitive, deep, susceptible to moodiness, easily influenced by the environment(no fighting in front of these little ones!!)
misused: can be self-indulgent, self-pitying, wavering
(note: because of societal pressures these signs are
usually harder for boys to handle than girls)
lesson two,
natal chart,
Thursday, August 7, 2008
elements, polarities, modalities and orientations in the horoscope: Part 1

You can get a pretty good overview of your natal chart simply by delineating your chart for these four concepts. Using my sons chart, I will show how this is done.
Elements and modalities:
There is usually a small box on the natal chart (see image above) that tells you the elements and modalities of your child's chart. Across the top are letters C, F & M; these stand for Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable and are your modalities. Down the left side are letters F, A, E, & W; these stand for Fire, Air, Earth & Water and are your elements.
Today we will go over the Modalities.
Looking at my buggy boy's chart you can quickly see he has most of his planets or sensitive points located in FIXED signs [There are 7 planets and sensitive points located in fixed signs in order from left to right & top to bottom are: Venus, Saturn, Midheaven, Neptune, Chiron, Mars and ascendant(or rising sign)]
He has 3 planets in CARDINAL signs [Sun, Moon, Mercury] and 3 planets/ 1 sensitive point in MUTABLE signs [Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus and his north node]
Now the fun part! What does this mean?
Well, in this case we are talking about a pretty FIXED chart.
Now the bug is only a year old and let me tell you, he is definitely a creature of habit, stuck in his ways and stubborn. He likes routine and if anything disrupts that routine, well, we have one cranky little critter on our hands.
The good news for our little boy is he has 4 MUTABLE placements and 3 CARDINAL placements. Now, while not perfectly balanced there is at least some flexibility(mutable) and initiative(cardinal) in his chart. The fact that his Sun, Moon and Mercury are all in Cardinal signs shows that he will have initiative and the ability to engage in purposeful activity. He is quite the little explorer and he is very active from the moment he wakes up. His flexibility is more of a generational effect [the planets located there are considered generational, their orbits are so slow that many children born within a certain period of time will have these planets in the same sign]
Since mommy has an overabundance of mutable planets in her chart, we hope that she will be able to help him develop a little more flexibility!
We will go into more detail about how everything interrelates later in the lessons, for now make a little list of how many points are in each of the modalities and jot down a couple words from the keywords below that describe how they are showing up in your child's personality.
Keywords for the Modalities:
Qualities of the Cardinal Modality
aries - libra - cancer - capricorn
aries - libra - cancer - capricorn
Skillful Application:
generating, beginning, doing, initiating,
originating, enterprising, active, direct,
Unskillful Application:
starts but does not finish, impatient,
dissatisfied, overactive, forceful,overcommitted
Qualities of the Fixed Modality
taurus - scorpio - leo - aquarius
generating, beginning, doing, initiating,
originating, enterprising, active, direct,
Unskillful Application:
starts but does not finish, impatient,
dissatisfied, overactive, forceful,overcommitted
Qualities of the Fixed Modality
taurus - scorpio - leo - aquarius
Skillful Application:
concentrating, stabilizing, sustaining,
finishing, establishing, preserving, conserving,
steadfast, focused, powerful, persistent,
constant, determined
Unskillful Application:
stubborn, rigid, resistant to change,
stuck,obsessed, overly retentive, inert,
Qualities of the Mutable Modality
gemini - sagittarius - virgo - pisces
distributing, adaptable, flexible, adjustable,
connecting, linking, mental, adapting, learning,
changing, versatile, dual
Unskillful Application:
scattered, unfocused, depleted, dissipated,
diffused, distracted,inconsistent, prone to worry,
indecisive, restless, unfinishing
concentrating, stabilizing, sustaining,
finishing, establishing, preserving, conserving,
steadfast, focused, powerful, persistent,
constant, determined
Unskillful Application:
stubborn, rigid, resistant to change,
stuck,obsessed, overly retentive, inert,
Qualities of the Mutable Modality
gemini - sagittarius - virgo - pisces
Skillful Application:
connecting, linking, mental, adapting, learning,
changing, versatile, dual
Unskillful Application:
scattered, unfocused, depleted, dissipated,
diffused, distracted,inconsistent, prone to worry,
indecisive, restless, unfinishing
Astrology chart,
child astrology,
lesson one,
natal chart,
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Your Child's Chart

Astrology chart,
child astrology,
natal chart,
Friday, July 25, 2008
About Earth Mother Astrology
This blog is for anyone with an open mind and open heart who wants a tool to understand and encourage their child's full potential. We will learn to nurture their natural gifts through the study of Child Astrology.
Your child's personality develops over time and you, as their parent, will see it as it develops. But did you know that many traits show up in your child's astrological chart even before you can see it developing? By having a basic guideline of what to expect you can encourage your child's gifts and positive behaviors and discourage or help redirect their challenging or difficult behaviors.
By understanding your child's astrological chart, you can find:
-Which parent will be more influential in the child's life
-Which parent will be more tested or frustrated by the child
-What activities will be interesting to the child
- How the child learns
and many more aspects of their developing selves!
All levels of knowledge are welcome and encouraged.
You will need to have your child's birth date, exact time and place to be able to create their accurate birth chart.
Your child's personality develops over time and you, as their parent, will see it as it develops. But did you know that many traits show up in your child's astrological chart even before you can see it developing? By having a basic guideline of what to expect you can encourage your child's gifts and positive behaviors and discourage or help redirect their challenging or difficult behaviors.
By understanding your child's astrological chart, you can find:
-Which parent will be more influential in the child's life
-Which parent will be more tested or frustrated by the child
-What activities will be interesting to the child
- How the child learns
and many more aspects of their developing selves!
All levels of knowledge are welcome and encouraged.
You will need to have your child's birth date, exact time and place to be able to create their accurate birth chart.
Welcome to Earth Mother Astrology!
This blog started as a forum outside Cafemom to discuss our child's potential through the study of astrology. I hope to have useful information on this blog that is easily understood and accessible to most users. Please be patient with me as I have a small boy that I'm rearing as well as a husband, 3 cats, a dog and a fledgling business(see my other blog: to see what I'm talking about!)
I will try to make one significant post each week.
I have started a group on google groups[see link in side bar]
If you are a cafemom(or would like to become one!) please visit our group:
I will be monitoring the cafemom group daily so leave me a post and I'll get back to you!
This blog started as a forum outside Cafemom to discuss our child's potential through the study of astrology. I hope to have useful information on this blog that is easily understood and accessible to most users. Please be patient with me as I have a small boy that I'm rearing as well as a husband, 3 cats, a dog and a fledgling business(see my other blog: to see what I'm talking about!)
I will try to make one significant post each week.
I have started a group on google groups[see link in side bar]
If you are a cafemom(or would like to become one!) please visit our group:
I will be monitoring the cafemom group daily so leave me a post and I'll get back to you!
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