Sunday, November 9, 2008


Okay, before I ruffle any tail feathers, I have Libra rising in my chart and therefore I have Aries on my 7th house cusp (open enemies) and a love/hate relationship with Aries. I love Aries men and Aries women....? Let's just say I could live without them.

I am a firm believer that some signs are easier for some people than others. Aries is such a strongly masculine sign that I believe it is just harder for the well balanced Aries woman to exist compared to the well balanced Aries Man. The same philosophy works for Pisces. Pisces women are typically better adjusted (read less neurotic or damaged or even more accepted for their frailty) than Pisces men. That said, Aries is a very self oriented sign, I don't know if I would call it self centered, but the world does revolve around them. It is the first sign of the zodiac and therefore it knows no other way but to be number one. That mindset in itself is one of their greatest strengths and weaknesses. A strength because it imbues the person with an inner confidence. A weakness because the person sometimes has the inability to be empathetic and therefore forge meaningful relationships. They may have trouble putting others first even when it's necessary. I think this is another area where it may benefit a man more than a woman. Aries is generally a very action oriented sign, They like to go out into the world and have it experience them (yes, I meant to say that) They care less about what they may do for the world, than what the world may offer them. Again, I wouldn't say they are necessarily selfish although many other signs might see it that way. It is their innocence when it comes to experiencing others. You really have to look at the manifestation of Aries from the point of view of a newborn infant. They need others but as a newborn needs constant parental care so does the Aries ego. In order for their confidence to blossom and mature they need to be surrounded by those who see how fabulous they are. They need to be center, they need adulation.

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