Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Another sign I love , drama and all! Leo's are bigger than life.They have BIG personalities(unless the rest of their chart really tones it down, in which case wait it will all come out dramatically at some point!) There is a warmth and goodness to Leo's. They are generally an optimistic lot. The one thing that is a little obnoxious, they like to be center stage, another fire sign to contend with and they will do what they can to make that happen. Quite honestly, Leo would be way more entertaining to watch than the self oriented Aries and philosophizing Sag (although on a good day the Sag could be hysterical, but you have to find them on a good day!) Really though the Leo would want to be the one up there under the warm lights, Aries would probably make a commotion from the seats, the cheap seats if they really want to get under the Leo's mane. Sag would be working the crowd, one on one, joking and letting them know what's truly important, oh and buying them a drink!:o) But back to Leo, usually good in business and with money. They like nice things although they may pick dramatic clothes or surroundings which may make you wonder! I have a Leo moon and Mars, I have a dramatic flare and love vibrant colors, a little dramatic in my decorating, my Capricorn husband didn't like my single life kitchen (tangerine and kiwi green polka dots and wide stripes with lively and fun Matisse paintings) Quite honestly it was cute, most people thought ICK! until they saw the pictures. But he is a Capricorn and my tasteful, albeit fun and cheerful kitchen wasn't his thing. He prefers dark almost black colors and cheesy light up pictures of waterfalls( cap sun, taurus rising, sag moon) Thank goodness the touch of leo girl gets to decorate(and yes I take his boring self into consideration, I still decorate to my Leonine tastes but I tone down the fun, except for in the baby's room and my studio!)

Another aside, fire signs or those with fire prominant in their charts will often have red hair. Mine is Auburn(0 degree virgo sun, leo moon, leo mars) My sister has strawberry red(sag sun, mercury, rising) Mom (pisces sun, sag moon, venus, jupiter, and saturn in aries)has more of a traditional carrot red. Even when they have dark hair they may have the lovely warm lights in the sun!

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